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This page does not belong to Preston Blair's book. But times are changing, technology is enhancing and radically changing the way of thinking a production, and working methods are inproving in a faster and more industrial way. And since this book was released long time ago, it seemed important to me to bring to this educative website some informations that could be helpfull to the beginners at least, if not bringing complementary informations to the professionals.


First, we should consider that no studio uses cell's and camera stands anymore. The whole production has moved to the computer, and many professional tools and softwares are already on the market, upgrading and bringing new features and possibilities all the time. The quality of the picture has inproved by using a deluge of special effects and treatments of the image. The traditional cell's ink and paint has been replaced by the scanner and the paint softwares, but generally, there are many systems (US Animation, Mediapegs, Toonz, Animo, CTP, etc...) that integrates all the process of the production, from the animatic story board to the broadcast digital output.


I will build this page step by step, proposing you some of the latest informations about tools, as well as some tips and tricks.
Also, please come back sometime, to check what's new.




What lay-out men, animators and compositors should know about the compositing systems, for a good preparation of their work.

compositing systems - LINKS


MOOVE gallery